Best New Journal Award
New journals with three years or fewer of publication history are eligible. Applicants must supply copies of two different issues, one of which must be the most current issue. Submissions should include a letter from the editor, no longer than one page, introducing the new journal.
2023: Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures
2022: Journal of Autoethnography; Honorable Mention: Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies
2021: Global Perspectives; Honorable Mention: Ground Works
2020: Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture
2019: Feminist Modernist Studies and Rhetoric of Health & Medicine
2018: Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures
2017: ASAP Journal
2016: VERGE: Studies in Global Asias
2015: NAIS: Native American and Indigenous Studies
2014: Architecture and Culture
2012: History of the Present
2011: Interiors
2010: Literature in the Early American Republic; Honorable Mention: Black Camera
2009: Contemporary Women's Writing; Honorable Mention: Early Modern Women & Journal of Late Antiquity
2008: Community Literacy Journal
2007: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation; Runner-Up: Studies in American Naturalism
2006: Literal; Runner-Up: Material Religion
2005: Labor; Runner-up: Latino Studies
2004: Partial Answers: A Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas
2003: American Journal of Bioethics
2002: Philosophia Africana
2001: Pedagogy
2000: The Hedgehog Review
1999: Book History
1998: Rhetoric and Public Affairs
1997: Feminist Economics
1996: Angelaki
1995: positions: east asia cultures critique; Runner-up: Modernism/modernity
1994: North Carolina Literary Review; Runner up: Journal of Information Ethics
1993: Narrative; Runner-up: American Short Fiction
1992: Public Culture; Honorable mentions: Colonial Latin American Literature, Joyce Studies Annual, Journal of Indigenous Culture
1991: Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies; Honorable mentions: Manoa, Hellas
1990: Journal of World History; Honorable mentions: Journal of Women's History, American Literary History
1989: The Yale Journal of Criticism
1988: The Gettysburg Review
1987: Portuguese Studies
1986: Studies in American Drama, 1945–Present
1985: Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies
1984: South Central Review
1983: Rhetorica