Contact Us
Executive Director: Cheryl E. Ball, or call/text 313-444-9919
Board of Directors
Presidential and Vice Presidential terms run for two years. Secretary and Mentoring Coordinator terms run for three years. Officer terms start/end the day after the annual Modern Language Association convention in the years shown after their names.
President: Eugenia Zuroski (2024–26) , McMaster University
Vice President & Secretary: Sarah Salter (2022–25) , Emory University
Mentoring Coordinator: Christina Cedillo (2025–2028), University of Houston—Clear Lake
Past-President (honorary): Debra Rae Cohen (2024-26), University of South Carolina (retired)
Past Presidents
The succession of presidents from the early 1970s to the present illustrates, among other things, the wide range of disciplines from which CELJ has been able to draw:
John Duvall, Modern Fiction Studies (2021–2022)
Gordon Hutner, American Literary History (2019–2020)
Susan Griffin, The Henry James Review (2017–2018)
Sol Miguel-Prendes, La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2015–2016)
Alan Rauch, Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (2012–14)
Joycelyn Moody, African American Quarterly (2010-2011)
Bonnie Wheeler, Arthuriana (2008-2009)
Jana Argersinger, ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance and Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism (2006-2007)
David Hanson, Nineteenth-Century Studies (2004-2005)
Michael Cornett, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2002–2003)
Roy Flannagan, Milton Quarterly (2000–2001)
Craig Howes, Biography (1998–99)
Holly Laird, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (1996–97)
R. A. Shoaf, Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (1994–95)
John Coldewey, Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History (1992–94)
Michael Marcuse, Literary Research (1990–92)
Evelyn Hinz, Mosaic (1988–90)
John Stasny, Victorian Poetry (1986–88)
George Simson, Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly (1984–86)
Arthur Kinney (1982–84)
Ralph Cohen, New Literary History (1980–82)
Marilyn Gaull, Wordsworth Circle (1978–80)
Mark Spilka, Novel (1974–76), R. G. Collins of Thalia (1976–78)
Arthur Kinney, English Literary Renaissance (1971–74)