Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial or Design Achievement
This award goes to the most improved journal, regardless of its state at the time the renovations began. A weak journal that has become excellent is eligible, but so too is an admired journal that manages to become dramatically better. Submissions must feature significant editorial change and may also feature change in design and other aspects of the journal's publication. Starting in 2020, the title and scope of this award changed to include Design achievement in addition to Editorial Achievement.
2023: Liquid blackness: journal of aesthetics and black studies
2022: The Hopkins Review
2021: Victorian Literature and Culture
2020: Simone de Beauvoir Studies; Honorable Mention: Voice and Speech Review
2019: Adoption & Culture
2018: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
2017: Conradiana
2016: Nineteenth Century French Studies
2015: Diálogo
2014: North Carolina Literary Review
2013: Public Culture and Translation Review
2012: Mediaevalia
2011: Exemplaria
2010: Writing Center Journal
2009: Revista Hispanica Moderna; Honorable Mention: Dutch Crossing
2008: English Language Notes
2007: Women's Studies Quarterly
2006: The Classical Outlook; Runner-up: Canadian Children's Literature; Honorable Mention: Italian Culture
2005: Virginia Quarterly Review; Runner-up: Modern Language Studies
2004: Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
2003: Modernism/Modernity
2002: World Literature Today
2001: CR: The New Centennial Review
2000: JAC
1999: Composition Studies
1998: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
1997: Connecticut Review
1996: The Comparatist
1995: Critical Matrix
1994: Tampa Review; Runner-up: Modern Language Quarterly
1993: Review: Latin American Literature and Arts; Runner-up: George Sand Review
1992: Arion; Honorable Mentions: Journal of Value Inquiry, Russian Review, Australian Journal of Communication, and INTI
1991: College Literature; Honorable Mentions: Studies in Canadian Literature Études en littérature canadienne, and Queen's Quarterly
1990: The Wallace Stevens Journal; Honorable Mention: Christianity and Literature
1989: Susquehanna University Review
1987: Revue André Malraux